

The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto, Timothy C. May, 1988

早在1988年,Timothy C. May就寫下了這篇「加密無政府主義宣言」,並且開頭結尾都照搬了某個衆所周知的宣言的樣式。2009年,中本聰(我認爲真正的中本聰是Adam Back)創造了比特幣,開始實現加密無政府主義。今天,我在這裏向各位介紹這個新的思潮,這個新的政治體制,讓大家明白除了民主和獨裁的大戰外,我們或許有一個明顯要好得多的既不是民主也不是獨裁的政治制度選擇。



Left-Wing Anarchism and Right-Wing Anarchism (Anarcho-Capitalism) Defined, Explained and Compared










當劫匪要和你作對的時候,在一個人人有武器自衛的社會,你有更大的機率活下來(參考判決無罪的凱爾自衛案);但當政府和你作對的時候,你基本是死路一條(參考愛潑斯坦賣咖啡斯諾登阿桑奇)。這裏的問題是,政府經常因爲莫名其妙的問題就和隨機的公民作對,比如嬰兒難產、癡漢冤罪、肥料取締法、特別背任罪(參考Carlos Ghosn)、偷稅漏稅(參考青汁王子三崎優太)之類,公民經常因爲一些事先無法預料的理由就被弄進去了。










Natural law









順帶一提,某些人發明了一個Free-rider problem(搭便車問題)來嘗試批評無政府資本主義無法進行社會基礎建設。我覺得但凡思維邏輯正常的人都能看出來這個問題就是在扯淡。一般來說,當一個人的資本超過了自我需求的時候,富人會開始考慮城鄉建設問題,因爲現代社會政府在搞的城鄉建設總是有低效和落後的問題。然而現狀是,無論你有多少錢,你都沒有資格着手城鄉建設,政府不給你放權。政府不僅不給富人放權,還會反過來利用這種現狀對着社會洗腦宣傳「我們需要收稅來進行社會基礎建設,因爲富人只會想着斂財,我們要促進社會平等」之類的。




上面介紹了半天無政府資本主義的世界觀,接下來是方法論,即如何讓人類社會進入無政府資本主義。一般認爲Agorism是進入無政府資本主義的手段(P.S. 我不太同意)。





(以上知識來自Darkweb Markets Retire Peacefully With Millions。)





What is CoinJoin?

對抗混幣服務,有一種Sybil attack(女巫攻擊),中國其實很常見,就是路邊攤圍着一羣人,你也去看熱鬧,結果那一羣人紛紛掏錢購買,你也跟着購買。你不知道的是,那一堆人除了你其實全都是托。這就是Sybil attack。

多年前有學術論文嘗試分析美國執法機關如果要執行Sybil attack來攻擊混幣服務需要付出的成本。結論是成本肯定要遠遠高於你能獲得的執法收益(如果有任何收益的話)。比特幣無法被攻擊,本質上也是因爲你需要同時修改全球51%的節點,這種攻擊能獲得的利益遠遠小於老老實實挖礦的收益。這就是執法成本控制論的應用。

CoinJoin本質上是無法被攻破的,不是因爲技術上無法實現,而是因爲每攻破一次,執法機關都需要付出極度高昂的成本,還不見得能獲得任何收益(因爲人家一般會連續混幣N次)。這還是每次混100人的比特幣CoinJoin。後來的新服務Tornado cash動輒就是幾千人一起混,進一步升高了執法成本。






Chauri Chaura incident




American Civil War


但美國以外的地方就沒有這個可能,比如上面印度的Chauri Chaura incident,雖然第一波一次死了22個警察,但之後並沒有可能演變成類似美國南北戰爭那樣的局面。實際上就算是現在的美國,現階段局勢也非常糟糕,比如今年年初的川普集會的參與者被陸續逮捕,而開槍射殺前美國女軍人的那名警察,至今連名字都沒有公佈。





左派政府越過分,右派人民的對抗動機就越強,從而開發出越難以被消滅的自衛手段。Tornado cash就是一個例子,其作者發現自己開始被某些美國執法機關威脅時,果斷立刻銷毀了修改代碼的入口,導致Tornado cash事實上變成了無法被銷毀的永久性服務。更搞笑的還有美國SEC前段時間告韓國服務Terra的事件,結果導致其作者反告SEC,是公民抗爭史上濃墨重彩的一筆。順帶一提,Terra的作者也聲明,如果他到了必須作出抉擇的時刻,他也會果斷分佈化他的服務,讓Terra變得不可消滅。現在左派政府要求購買加密資產的用戶KYC,後來出現的一系列中心化交易所信息泄漏和被黑事件,導致LocalCryptos這樣的服務誕生,並且把左派政府的要求KYC行爲拿來做了政治宣傳。




Disproving the State: Four Arguments Against Government

Two objections constantly recur whenever the subject of dissolving the State arises. The first is that a free society is only possible if people are perfectly good or rational. In other words, citizens need a centralized State because there are evil people in the world.

The first and most obvious problem with this position is that if evil people exist in society, they will also exist within the State – and be far more dangerous thereby. Citizens are able to protect themselves against evil individuals, but stand no chance against an aggressive State armed to the teeth with police and military might. Thus the argument that we need the State because evil people exist is false. If evil people exist, the State must be dismantled, since evil people will be drawn to use its power for their own ends – and, unlike private thugs, evil people in government have the police and military to inflict their whims on a helpless (and usually disarmed!) population.

Logically, there are four possibilities as to the mixture of good and evil people in the world:

  1. that all men are moral
  2. that all men are immoral
  3. that the majority of men are moral, and a minority immoral
  4. that the majority of men are immoral, and a minority moral

(A perfect balance of good and evil is statistically impossible!)

In the first case (all men are moral), the State is obviously not needed, since evil cannot exist.

In the second case (all men are immoral), the State cannot be permitted to exist for one simple reason. The State, it is generally argued, must exist because there are evil people in the world who desire to inflict harm, and who can only be restrained through fear of State retribution (police, prisons et al). A corollary of this argument is that the less retribution these people fear, the more evil they will do. However, the State itself is not subject to any force, but is a law unto itself. Even in Western democracies, how many policemen and politicians go to jail? Thus if evil people wish to do harm but are only restrained by force, then society can never permit a State to exist, because evil people will immediately take control of that State, in order to do evil and avoid retribution. In a society of pure evil, then, the only hope for stability would be a state of nature, where a general arming and fear of retribution would blunt the evil intents of disparate groups.

The third possibility is that most people are evil, and only a few are good. If that is the case, then the State also cannot be permitted to exist, since the majority of those in control of the State will be evil, and will rule over the good minority. Democracy in particular cannot be permitted to exist, since the minority of good people would be subjugated to the democratic will of the evil majority. Evil people, who wish to do harm without fear of retribution, would inevitably control of the State, and use its power to do their evil free of that fear. Good people do not act morally because they fear retribution, but because they love goodness and peace of mind – and thus, unlike evil people, they have little to gain by controlling the State. And so it is certain that the State will be controlled by a majority of evil people will rule over all, to the detriment of all moral people.

The fourth option is that most people are good, and only a few are evil. This possibility is subject to the same problems outlined above, notably that evil people will always want to gain control over the State, in order to shield themselves from retaliation. This option changes the appearance of democracy, of course: because the majority of people are good, evil power-seekers must lie to them in order to gain power, and then, after achieving public office, will immediately break faith and pursue their own corrupt agendas, enforcing their wills with the police and military. (This is the current situation in democracies, of course.) Thus the State remains the greatest prize to the most evil men, who will quickly gain control over its awesome power – to the detriment of all good souls – and so the State cannot be permitted to exist in this scenario either.

It is clear, then, that there is no situation under which a State can logically be allowed to exist. The only possible justification for the existence of a Stare would be if the majority of men are evil, but all the power of the State is always controlled by a minority of good men. This situation, while interesting theoretically, breaks down logically because: a) the evil majority would quickly outvote the minority or overpower them through a coup; b) because there is no way to ensure that only good people would always run the State; and, c) there is absolutely no example of this having ever occurred in any of the dark annals of the brutal history of the State.

The logical error always made in the defense of the State is to imagine that any collective moral judgments being applied to any group of people is not also being applied to the group which rules over them. If 50% of people are evil, then at least 50% of people ruling over them are evil (and probably more, since evil people are always drawn to power). Thus the existence of evil can never justify the existence of the State. If there is no evil, the State is unnecessary. If evil exists, the State is far too dangerous to be allowed existence.

Why is this error always made? There are a number of reasons, which can only be touched on here. The first is that the State introduces itself to children in the form of public school teachers who are considered moral authorities. Thus is the association of morality and authority with the State first made, and is reinforced through years of repetition. The second is that the State never teaches children about the root of its power – force – but instead pretends that it is just another social institution, like a business or a church or a charity. The third is that the prevalence of religion has always blinded men to the evils of the State – which is why the State has always been so interested in furthering the interests of churches. In the religious world-view, absolute power is synonymous with perfect goodness, in the form of a deity. In the real political world of men, however, increasing power always means increasing evil. With religion, also, all that happens must be for the good – thus, fighting encroaching political power is fighting the will of the deity. There are many more reasons, of course, but these are among the deepest.

It was mentioned at the beginning of this article that people generally make two errors when confronted with the idea of dissolving the State. The first is believing that the State is necessary because evil people exist. The second is the belief that, in the absence of a State, any social institutions which arise will inevitably take the place of the State. Thus, dispute resolution organizations (DRO’s), insurance companies and private security forces are all considered potential cancers which will swell and overwhelm the body politic.

This view arises from the same error outlined above. If all social institutions are constantly trying to grow in power and enforce their wills on others, then by that very argument a centralized State cannot be allowed to exist. If it is an iron law that groups always try to gain power over other groups and individuals, then that power-lust will not end if one of them wins, but will spread across society until slavery is the norm. In other words, the only hope for individual freedom is for a proliferation of groups to exist, each with the power to harm each other, and so all afraid of each other, and more or less peaceable thereby.

It is very hard to understand the logic and intelligence of the argument that, in order to protect us from a group that might overpower us, we should support a group that has already overpowered us. It is similar to the statist argument about private monopolies – that citizens should create a State monopoly because they are afraid of monopolies. It does not take keen vision to see through such nonsense.

What is the evidence for the view that decentralized and competing powers promote peace? In other words, are there any facts that we can draw on to support that idea the a balance of power is the only chance that the individual has for freedom?

Organized crime does not provide many good examples, since gangs so regularly corrupt, manipulate and use the power of the State police to enforce their rule, and so cannot be said to be operating in a state of nature. A more useful example is the fact that no leader has ever declared war on another leader who possesses nuclear weapons. In the past, when leaders felt themselves immune from retaliation, they were more than willing to kill off their own populations by waging war. Now that they are themselves subject to annihilation, they are only willing to attack countries that cannot fight back.

This is an instructive lesson on why such men require disarmed and dependent populations – and a good example of how the fear of reprisal inherent in a balanced system of decentralized and competing powers is the only proven method of securing and maintaining personal liberty. Fleeing from imaginary phantoms into the protective prison of the State will only ensure the destruction of the very liberties that make life worth living.

Stefan Molynuex, is the host of Freedomain Radio (, the most popular philosophy site on the Internet, and a “Top 10” Finalist in the 2007-2010 Podcast Awards.